For my regular readers, you might be wondering where the heck I've been? I always told myself I wouldn't be one of those IBD bloggers who disappear when they feel well, and start posting again only when they flare up. I don't want this blog to be about the negative times.
Well, I apologize dear reader, I don't have a good excuse other than... bam! Motherhood is busy! Ok, ok, all kidding aside, a number of factors have been keeping me occupied. Indeed my 1 and a half year old super cool little guy is keeping my on my toes. My web development business I operate from a home office is also keeping my hopping - that's a good thing!
Also... and here's the big news: I'm once again pregnant and expecting my second baby in March! So... everything is a whirlwind these days.
However, I still have a lot to write about, including more information about Crohn's Disease and pregnancy, children and more. So please stay tuned, there are more informative posts coming soon!
My email is in my About Me section.