I love hypothetical questions, so here's one that made me really think, and then made me thankful:
One billion dollars is a lot of money. Enough to buy any darn thing you want, travel or live anywhere you desire and to be whoever you want to be. It's enough money to fund exactly the kind of life you want. What would YOU do for a billion dollars?
What if someone offered you that money in exchange for your life? Your whole life. Hold on now- that means everything. Every item you own from your car to your house to your photographs. Your job. All your friends and family. Even your memories, skills, and experiences that you've accumulated throughout your life. You'd get one billion and your memory would be wiped and you'd be placed in a random city. But you're a billionaire and you could start over from scratch.
Think about it. That's a LOT of money. But it's a high price.
If your answer is "No Way!", that you would never trade your life for that or any amount of money, then you should think about that for a moment. That means that what you currently have is worth more than a billion dollars. That's right, in essence you are already a billionaire. Pretty cool eh?
If you would seriously consider making the trade, perhaps you're still young and unattached, or perhaps you're missing out on making the kind of connections or having the kind of experiences that provide true value to one's life.
What about you? Would you trade your life for One Billion Dollars??
That's a good exercise. Would I still have Crohn's if I gave everything up? I would do almost anything to be healthy again.
ReplyDeleteOh course, I wouldn't give everything up - but I'm not going to lie, it is rather tempting. (Does that make me a bad person?)
I think the implication is that you would lose all the bad things in your life too. Crohn's included.
ReplyDeleteNo you aren't a bad person! lol.
You aren't a bad person Kathryn. I'd do it....in a heartbeat most days.