Wednesday, June 5, 2024

IBD Breakthrough - Finally Good News!

Hi fellow Crohnies! Long time - no write! Happily I've been doing well over the years and am busy with 3 sons and an unending todo list. I have been having mild symptoms lately and some back pain that my gastroenterologist says is related to my IBD... so, indeed we can never escape this cursed disease, BUT! I'm writing today because there is good news that just landed today!

In case you haven't heard yet, researchers have made a major breakthrough in discovering the cause of Inflammatory Bowel Disease! Say what?? It's true! Actual good news! Here is a link to the article from The Guardian:

Not only have they found a major genetic cause of IBD, but it can be treated with existing drugs currently in use for cancer treatment. The drugs just have to be modified to be more targeted for bowel disease. Estimates are that we may have some new, major, effective drug treatments hitting markets in about 5 years. This is absolutely fantastic news for all of us.

I hope you're all doing as well as can be hoped - take care of yourself and stay hopeful!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Covid-19 and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

 Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've written, really that's because I'm feeling great, been in a long remission and life is busy with 3 children. I haven't forgotten this blog however, nor the community of all of us online, sharing our Crohn's stories.

I'm sure that if you're like me, what's top of mind is the pandemic. And many questions around Covid-19 and how it may affect us with IBD. What about the vaccines? Are they safe for us.

I have a Google alert set up that emails me occaisonal news that pops up about Crohn's and IBD. This week it sent me a great article that appears to be well researched (has link to a lot of source studies) that answers many of these questions. I thought I'd share with you, dear readers in case you're also wondering about these topics.

To be clear, I'm not familiar with this website and this isn't an endorsement. It appears to be a well researched article, but do your own verification and as always, talk to your doctor for professional medical advice!

I hope everyone is feeling as well as possible. Good luck and stay safe!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Bright Side is now Ad Free!

After some reading about the declining trends (and opinions) in online advertising, and doing some soul searching about how I want to monetize (if at all) my various online projects and websites, I've decided to rip all the Google Adsense advertisements off my blogs and sites. It was earning me pennies and leaves a bad taste in my mouth anyway.

I hope to instead provide more meaningful content, like a longer, revamped version of my Crohn's Tips Guide as content with real value, and perhaps more book reviews and posts of that nature.

Anyway, enjoy the blog ad-free, thanks for reading! I hope to post some new updates soon (life with 3 kids is crazy).

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Coping With Crohn's Disease - Free Tips E-Guide

This is a re-post of a Crohn's Guide that I had previously had on another website.

It's hard to find practical advice and tips for living and coping with Crohn's Disease. This free e-guide is packed with helpful suggestions for living with Crohn's Disease and managing it in your life.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

On Bodies, Scars, Pregnancy & Positivity

This post is in response to an Anonymous comment left on my Pregnancy and Crohn's Disease blog post from a reader who is planning a first pregnancy and concerned about the physical challenges. This is my reply:

First, I think it's wonderful that you are getting the green-light to try for a baby! Extra wonderful after a struggle with Crohn's Disease!

I'm not sure why your doctor is concerned about tearing not healing... do you have issues with wound healing? Anyway, I always err on the side of trusting my doctor, since I'm not an expert. I had caesarean-sections myself. Not due to my Crohn's but due to my babies all being breech. I loved my c-sections. They were calm and quick procedures. Healing took a while, but it just meant no carrying anything heavier than my baby, and it was a bit of a trick to sit-up in bed. Pain when coughing. But it only lasted a few weeks.

(Most light exercise is ok when pregnant if you check with your doctor. I liked to go for walks myself.)

My c-section scar is below the waist band of a pair of bikini panties. So, no one would ever see it. It has faded quite a lot in the year since my last baby. Although I'm sure it will always be there.

Along with my resection surgery scars, my belly is a bit of a patchwork as well. But... I don't feel less beautiful because of them. They are my battle scars. They are a story of my life, my challenges and triumphs. I would not be ashamed to wear a two-piece bathing suit because of my scars- anyone thinking negatively about me because of them, is a reflection on that person. Who are these people judging our bodies? We are our own worst critics by far. Now, at 37, I have more important things to worry about than a flawless body - and bigger sources of joy than getting eyeballed for my looks.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Quick Update

Hi my fellow Crohnies!

I wanted to write a quick update to reach out and make sure everyone is keeping hope alive, staying strong, and fighting hard. I know, with these diseases it gets so, so awful sometimes, and keeping a positive outlook can be nearly impossible. You can do it. Yes, you. You have people who care about you, hobbies to have fun with, holiday seasons coming. Just breathe. Watch a good TV show. Read a good book. Hug your family. Call your doctor and work together. You can do it.

Me? Well life is insane. Insane...

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Letting Myself Down

The last few months have been hard for me. In fact, my nick name on this blog, Bright Side, might as well have been Dark Side. I'm disappointed in myself and it's time for a kick in the pants.

At the core of it has been a perfect storm of family drama, loss, grief and stress. And below that, has been physical challenges associated with my current pregnancy (just arrived at the 2nd trimester, yay!) which have made me lose touch with who I am like never before.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Two Toddlers And Time Outs

Time for writing on my blog is taken from that all too precious "free time". Oh where have you gone!? Ha! These days I am a work at home mom with a 1 and 3 year old. Time has flown by. Every day is like baby wack-a-mole and I go from diaper to potty to bottle to crying to spills to snuggles and around again. It's crazy! Even crazier is we're thinking about baby # 3! I must be insane.

But life is good despite stress and busyness and doctor visits. I wanted to write a post to fill in my last several months and kick off a renewed determination to write more regularly. Time to dust off the Bright Side blog and get back in touch with readers. Emails I receive that thank me for my positive take on life with IBD, remind me that people struggle to find an encouraging and optimistic voice when dealing with this disease. So, what's new!?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Ostomy Infographic

I'll admit, having Crohn's Disease, one of my biggest fears is ending up with an ostomy. Lucky for Christopher Wilson of Finnegan Medical Supply who contacted me last week through this blog with an info graphic they are promoting about ostomies - it struck a nerve. Actually I found this very helpful...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Get Your Sleep!

A recent study I read about, which covered a whopping 3,173 patients with IBD revealed that impaired sleep doubled the chances of a flare up! This is a very interesting study because it reveals something all of us can do, to help maintain remission and reduce our risk of a flare up. Something that doesn't involve powerful drugs or invasive surgeries. Article excerpt: